Sources and Sinks
A technology focused podcast - Talks about the business, people, technology, products, culture of silicon valley - with a security twist.
Sources and Sinks
Shifting Left at Roblox - A conversation with Julie Tsai
Alok Shukla, Julie Tsai
Season 1
Episode 7
Julie Tsai in a conversation with Alok Shukla on her initiative for #ShiftLeft at Roblox. Julie is the Head of Information Security at Roblox - a wildly successful online gaming company.
Julie talks about the practice of Shifting Left, centrality of empowering developers through code analysis, interactions between red/blue teams and as a bonus - security leaders she admires and could be role models to increase diversity in cybersecurity.
This episode is in continuation of ongoing conversation of empowering developers by shiftling security left.